8 1/2 (1963) - Fellini

35 Rhums (2008) - Denis

A Nous Amours (1983) - Pialat

The Act of Killing/The Look of Silence (2013, 2014) - Oppenheimer

Alien (1979) - Scott

Les Amants du Pont-Neuf/Lovers on the Bridge (1991) - Carax

Andrei Rublev (1966) - Tarkovsky

L'année dernière à Marienbad/Last Year at Marienbad (1962) - Resnais

Arabian Nights: Vol. 1, 2, 3 (2015) - Gomes

Ash is Purest White (2018) - Jia

Beau Travail (1999) - Denis

Bilder der Welt und Inschrift des Krieges/Images of the World and the Inscription of War (1989) - Farocki

Bis ans Ende der Welt/Until the End of the World (1991) - Wenders

Blade Runner (1982) - Scott

Born in Flames (1983) - Borden

Burning (2018) - Lee

Café Lumière (2003) - Hou

Céline et Julie vont en bateau/Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) - Rivette

Certified Copy (2010) - Kiarostami

Crash (1997) - Cronenberg

La double vie Veronique/Double Life of Veronique (1991) - Kieslowski

Die Dreigroschenoper/The Threepenny Opera (1931) - Pabst

Eden (2014) - Hansen-Løve

Fallen Angels (1995) - Wong

Few of Us (1996) - Bartas

The Fog (1980) - Carpenter

Fontainhas Trilogy (1997, 2000, 2006) - Costa

Gespenster/Ghosts (2005) - Petzold

Goodbye Dragon Inn (2003) - Tsai

Der Himmel über Berlin/Wings of Desire (1987) - Wenders

Hiroshima mon amour (1959) - Resnais

Histoire(s) du cinema (1988-98) - Godard

Hors Satan/Outside Satan (2011) - Dumont

Die innere Sicherheit/The State I Am In (2001) - Petzold

India Song (1975) - Duras

Innocence (2004) - Hadzihalilovic

Institute Benjamenta (1995) - The Quays

Irma Vep (2022) - Assayas

Je Vous Salue, Marie/Hail Mary (1985) - Godard

Un Lac/The Lake (2008) - Grandrieux

Leviathan (2012) - Catraing-Taylor, Paravel

Limbo (1999) - Sayles

Liquid Sky (1982) - Tsukerman

Long Day's Journey into Night (2018) - Bi

Maborosi (1995) - Kore Eda

Malina (1991) - Schroeter

Melancholia (2011) - von Trier

Millenium Mambo (2001) - Hou

Morvern Callar (2002) - Ramsay

Moving (1993) - Sômai

Los Muertos/The Deads (2004) - Alonso

Mulholland Dr. (2000) - Lynch

Night and the City (1950) - Dassin

La niña santa/The Holy Girl (2004) - Martel

Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht (1979) - Herzog

Nouvelle Vague (1990) - Godard

O Sangue (1989) - Costa

Only God Forgives (2013) - Refn

Pacifiction (2022) - Serra

Pastoral: To Die in the Country (1974) - Terayama

Peppermint Candy (1999) - Lee

Peppermint Frappé (1967) - Saura

Pickup on South Street (1953) - Fuller

Possession (1981) - Zulawski

Quatre nuits d'un rêveur/Four Nights and a Dreamer (1971) - Bresson

The Red Shoes (1948) - Powell/Pressburger

Remorques/Stormy Waters (1941) - Gremillon

Rocco e i suoi fratelli/Rocco and His Brothers (1960) - Visconti

La Rose de Fer/Iron Rose (1973) - Rollin

Running in Madness, Dying in Love (1969) - Wakamatsu

Sans Soleil/Sunless (1983) - Marker

Sans toit ni loi/Vagabond (1985) - Varda

Såsom i en spegel/Through a Glass Darkly (1961) - Bergman

Sedmikrásky/Daisies (1966) - Chytilova

Sleep Has Her House (2016) - Barley

Solaris (1972) - Tarkovsky

Stoker (2013) - Park

Stromboli (1950) - Rosselini

Stroszek (1977) - Herzog

Suspiria (1977) - Argento

Synecdoche, New York (2008) - Kaufman

Terrorizers (1986) - Yang

The Thing (1982) - Carpenter

Touki Bouki (1973) - Mambéty

Toute une nuit (1982) - Akerman

Tren de Sombras/Train of Shadows (1997) - Guerin

The Trial (1963) - Welles

Trys dienos/Three Days (1992) - Bartas

Twin Peaks: The Return Ep.8 (2017) - Lynch

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) - Weerasethakul

Under the Skin (2013) - Glazer

L'une chante, l'autre pas/One Sings, The Other Doesn't (1977) - Varda

Vertigo (1958) - Hitchcock

La ville de pirates/City of Pirates (1983) - Ruiz

Vtackovia, Siroty a Blazni/Birds, Orphans and Fools (1969) - Jakubisko

Week End (1967) - Godard

Werckmeister harmóniák (2000) - Tarr

White Material (2009) - Denis

Woman in the Dunes (1964) - Teshigahara

The List Updated on 1/27/22
great list Dustin, I havent seen much pre-1980 and this puts my lists to shame. Now I am seriously going to hunt for some of those that I have not seen.
Thanks for your kind words. The list keeps fluctuating, so please visit from time to time.
i've been visiting this list for two years now, trying to find time looking for the titles you've mentioned. it's a beautiful list, and it's my favorite.
Thanks for your comment. Let me know if there are any titles you can't find. I may be able to help.
I noticed you have two films on your list starring Richard Widmark, Night and The City and Pick Up on South Street. The former is one of my favorite examples of noir fatalism. I almost weep at the end when the near hysterical Harry Fabian finally managed to pull off a get-rich-quick scheme.
Thanks. Already love some, and I've bookmarked half a dozen. In return:
On Body and Soul (Hungary 2017)
Loveless (Russia 2017)
One Fine Spring Day (Korea 2001)
Winter Sleep (Turkey 2014)
Omar (Palestine 2013)
Beanpole (Russia 2019)
The Great Beauty (Italy 2013)
The Broken Circle Breakdown (Belgium 2012)
Three Colors Blue (Poland but set France 1993)
You Won't Be Alone (Macedonia 2022)
Worst Person in the World (Norway 2021)
Lust, Caution (Taiwan 2007)
Air Doll (Japan 2009)
Let the Right One In (Sweden 2008)
Heartstone (Iceland 2016)
4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days (Romania 2007)
Something Useful (Turkey 2017)
Paris, 13th District (France 2021)
A Separation (Iran 2011)
Happy as Lazzaro (Italy 2018)
Late Autumn (Korea set USA 2010
I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK (Korea 2006)
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