A very good looking Lithuanian Sci-fi. Lucas (Marius Jampolskis) volunteers to an untested scientific experiment where he will be hooking up to a comatose patient to see if transfer of human psyche is possible. What Lucas encounters is a beautiful Aurora (Jurga Jutaite) and the experience is so real and sensual, he keeps the details to himself and hidden from the scientists. It takes a toll in his mental state and his relationship with his girlfriend. The psychiatrist assigned to the project suspects something is wrong but infatuated Lucas keeps pushing on, refusing to divulge his secret. After secretly injecting truth serum to unlock the repressed memories in Aurora, Lucas finds her dark relationship with a mysterious lover (portrayed very briefly by Sharunas Bartas) and how she had fallen into a coma. Determined to help her come back to life, he decides to dive in one last time despite everyone's objections.
This concept of Vanishing Wave is nothing new, but the execution here is exceptional and not derivative of any other films. It is worth checking out just for the visuals. Gorgeous Jutaite often bares it all as a damaged woman who was/is desperately in love. Writer director Kristina Buozyte doesn't lose her footing in balancing the film from falling into either being too realistic/procedural or full blown feel-good fantasy. One of the better Sci-fi films I've seen in years.