Earlier in the year, my personal exploration took me to documentaries of Les Blank, silent gems, Powell & Pressburger, Japanese New Wave, more Godard, Portuguese Cinema, Raul Ruiz, Christian Petzold and Berliner Schule, Jose Luis Guerin and made me revisit Tarkovsky, Chytilova and Chris Marker. And what started out as a simple question if there was an adequate name to describe the current crop of shape-shifting postmodern cinema pulled me into the very depth of the cinematic rabbit hole, left me exhausted and confused and exhilarated at the same time. As I was reminded watching Film Socialisme, Sans Soleil, Fontainhas Trilogy, Tren de Sombras, Tabu, A Man Vanishes and Two Years at Sea that I am just scratching the surface of this great artistic medium. At the same time, I feel glad and relieved that there are so much more to explore.
Please Click on the titles for full reviews
1. Holy Motors - Carax

My interview with Leos Carax
2. Once Upon a Time in Anatolia - Ceylan

3. Amour - Haneke

My interview with Michael Haneke
4. Goodbye First Love - Hansen-Løve

My interview with Mia Hansen-Løve
5. Cosmopolis - Cronenberg

6. Two Years at Sea - Rivers

7. Barbara - Petzold

My interview with Christian Petzold
8. Tabu - Gomes

My interview with Miguel Gomes
9. The Master - Anderson

10. Faust - Sokurov

And others:
The Kid with a Bike - Dardenne
Wuthering Heights - Arnold
Skyfall - Mendes
Leviathan - Castraing Taylor, Paravel
This is Not a Film - Panahi
Oslo, August 31st - Trier
Dredd - Travis
I Wish - Koreeda
Almayer's Folly - Akerman
Found Memories - Murat