Friday, May 25, 2012

Visual Aural World of Jean Detheux

I hate the term 'experimental' cinema, it has a bad connotation, for me at least. The term is too loose and too narrow at the same time. But I am at a stage where I feel more and more attracted to non-narrative films, searching for pure visual aural experience. I stumbled upon the work of Belgian computer artist (living in Montreal, Quebec) Jean Detheux. His computer generated abstract animations are best experienced alone in a dark room with a headphone set over your head. It's truly a hypnotic experience. The best example of his amazing work I recommend is 10 minute piece called "...lilac shrieks and scarlet bellowings..." It's a beautiful symphony of colors, music and human voices.

"...lilac shrieks and scarlet bellowings..."   (9 min 57 sec)

Here is another beautiful one with pianist Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven, music written by Steve Reich

NY Counterpoint   (11 min 34 sec)

Please be sure to check out his vimeo page


Jean Detheux said...

Dear Dustin, a friend saw your kind words about my work and sent me the link to your blog.
Many thanks, really.
Jean Detheux

Dustin Chang said...

I am humbled by your dropping in. Your work is truly inspirational. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Jean Detheux said...

Hi Dustin,
Your recommendation for seeing my work actually describes the conditions in which it is being created. Your desire to reach beyond the narrative (at least the "linear" kind) is similar to mine, and amongst your favorite films, you list many which are amongst my favorites as well.
So I am very happy to have "met" you.
Keep up the good work, it is rare and very much needed!