Terrarium. It's a tiny world in a jar filled with moss, gravel, charcoal and small mementos, all self sufficient. A mini biosphere. And it's created by you. We've been contemplating making our own for quite some time now. The other day, armed with a tupperware and spade, we went for moss hunting in Prospect Park, scaring some unsuspecting old ladies- one asked us if we were burying something. We shook our heads guiltily, saying that we were gathering moss off of boulders. I don't think she believed us.
Then we found a place that sells Reindeer Moss- spongy, bright green living things that come in a plastic bag. My lady, a person who creates things for a living is very enthused about making these. Soon our cluttered apartment will be filled with tiny little worlds in glass jars I'm sure. World within a world.