Many of the stuff I did know - industrial farming, few big conglomerates running everything, GMFs, patented seeds, corn diet for cows is not natural...
Many of the stuff I didn't know - Ratio of Type B diabetes in minority kids who were born after 2000- 1 out of 2. Morningstar Farms and Kashi and many other so called healthy, organic brands are owned by Kellogg, Coca Cola and Pepsi companies, you can be jailed by badmouthing beef industry in Colorado, Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas was an attorney for Monsanto (the largest agricultural company, patent owner of soybeans, policing farmers with their own police force) and many Clinton/Bush FDA/USDA appointees were corporate CEOs... the list goes on and on. Mad mad world we live in.
All I can say is I am going to cut down on eating meat big time and frequent local farmers market more.
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